Our friends and neighbours Evelyn and Ian live and work in Ireland and come here whenever they can. When I first started bruiting it about that I was going to do VBW, they said they would come here specially to see me off, and they would walk part of the first leg with me.
Unfortunately, although Ian arrived a couple of days ago, Evelyn did not because of problems ultimately caused by the famous volcanic ash from Iceland.
But look what she sent as a gift borne by Ian. She has obviously laboured long and hard over this banner. The details are applique. And look at that Columbia shoe!
Tonight our other friends and neighbours Ang and Paul are hosting a farewell dinner for Gay and myself, which was supposed to be attended by Evelyn as well as Ian, who will still be there. We shall miss Evelyn tonight and at the start of the walk, but the banner will be proudly displayed at every stop along the way. It will wave outside V-Force One like a standard outside a crusader tent.
No battlebus should be without its battle standard!!! A fantastic piece of work, well done Evelyn!
Best of luck on your Big Walk endeavor tomorrow! Will be following progress and hopefully the weather will be good and your legs strong!
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