I walked much further today than I intended to. I ended up logging 26.5 kms, total so far 1864 kms, with only a couple of kms to go to the finish.
The day started well, with an interview with BBC Radio Lancashire in the form of Alison Butterworth. We liked Alison very much. She will also be covering the big finish of VBW tomorrow at 11 am – please ignore my mistaken statement of 11 pm – tomorrow.
I walked from Garstang to, first, a coffee shop in St Michaels, then a coffee shop in Great Eccleston. At the latter there were some people who said they had already passed me while I was walking. We had a chat about what I am doing. They seemed very interested. They left. When it was my turn to leave, I found they had paid for my coffee. Then they passed me again while I was walking, slowed almost to a halt, said something encouraging, and zoomed off. Didn’t give me chance to say thanks.
Then things took a turn for the worse. I had been misinformed, or perhaps I had not listened properly. Either way, I went several kms past the campsite where Gay was waiting. Also, I received calls from Alison and from Rebecca at BBC TV, who wanted to come to the campsite tomorrow morning at 9. It was obvious that this would not leave me time to walk to the destination for the appointed finish time. So I walked to within 2 kms of the finish. They will interview us much nearer to the finish and all should be hunky-dory.
Gay’s sister Dana e-mails “I hope you had time to muse on your past life a bit more than your blog entries indicate. Did you come to any revelation or experience any epiphany?” I’m afraid I didn’t. I thought that could happen. But in real life I was too busy trying to make sure I went in the right direction, took photographs, dictated the day’s events into the recorder, drunk enough water, didn’t fall over, spoke to lots of people, and so on. I thought no great thoughts. I’m quite disappointed.
I have left the canals now, so this is the last of the intriguing boat names. And I have no idea what the other thing is.
Vic The strange object is outside a glass-blowing sculptor's studio.
I think it constitutes an advertisement.
It is even more weird at night when it is lit up.
hello Vic.
It's a sculpture of blownglass outside the sculptor's studio.
It looks really weird at night when its lit up.
What a tremendous achievement Vic. I confess that early on I was far from certain that you would make it. And along the way we have enjoyed an engaging and picturesque travelogue across countryside that we will never personally see. Enjoy the afterglow Vic, you deserve the highest accolades. Congrats and best wishes also to ur first class support team. In Oz-speak she is a dead-set Bobby-dazzler.
Was that DISappointment or REappointment? We can't have you disappointed at the end of such an achievement! Congratulations Vic and enjoy your milestone celebrations!
Margaret and Jim
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