Sunday, June 28, 2009

Septimus On The March

I thought that, having visitors, this would be a thin week on the walking kilometrage front. However, Septimus has stepped up to the mark and accompanied me from Quillan via two different routes, from Lavelanet, and on a march up to the chateau and across the plain, circumnavigating the airstrip (yes, our tiny village of Puivert supports, or at leasts hosts, a very active gliding club), across a ford and back to base.

Today the temperature ramped up into the 30s but, nothing daunted, we walked well over 20 kms and climbed from 290 metres to 650, then again from below 500 metres to about 650. All that at about 20 kms to the litre (of water). If you don't count the one cup of tea, two cups of coffee and one pain aux raisins we consumed before starting.

My total for the week is 133 kms, bringing me to 2304 kms walked this year.

Tomorrow, with the temperature forecast to be even higher, Septimus and I plan to walk the 33 kms from Mirepoix to Puivert, a walk I have mentioned many times before in this blog.

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