Monday, October 22, 2012

Apple Picking Time

There used to be a popular song which went  "I'll be with you in apple blossom time, I'll be with you to change your name to mine ... "

Well, we are well past apple blossom time here, but apple picking time is very important in the area between us and Mirepoix. So much so that they have an annual Apple Fete in the town. Lots of music, jollity and apples. And the mediaeval town square exhibits sculptures made from the fruit. This year, the theme is Africa. See pics below.

And yes, I am still waiting for my Cyprus book to arrive on Kindle, although it has been out in paperback for a month now.

In the meantime I am getting some very good feedback about my stories in the compilation "A Splendid Salmagundi, which is only on Kindle. Just go to any Amazon site and search on "Vic Heaney". It will show my own books and the Salmagundi

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