Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Zealand Is Srill Open For Business ...

... and so is my foot. I have made arrangements to see my podiatrist in Christchurch in a couple of weeks time. Not in the Central Business District, which is cordoned off to all visitors, on account of the continuing recovery effort and the danger of falling masonry. Over 750 buildings in the CDB will have to be demolished.

I think Nick will have to adjust my orthotics because, strangely enough, the problem which caused me to need them seems to be correcting itself. In the meantime he has given me some advice which - hooray - means that I can go for a walk tomorrow morning.

It is important to realise that, appalling though Christchurch's earthquake tragedy is, most of New Zealand is unaffected. It is still the most beautiful country on earth, with the most friendly people. Tourists should not stay away. In fact they need you more than ever. The cost of renewing Christchurch will be immense - 20 billion dollars being the starting point - and they need your money. And you need the balm for your soul which is provided by sights such as the above scene in Doubtful Sound.

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