Monday, October 5, 2009

It's Turned Out Nice Again!

That was a catch phrase of George Formby, also one of his songs. He was Britain's most popular comedian/film star/singer in the 30s and 40s. I used to pass his home on the way to school every day.

He could well be singing it here. I have just walked 34 kms from Mirepoix. When I started out the temperature was about 10 degrees. After the clouds had burned away, the sun was casting a spell of 27 degrees around me. It is forecast to be hotter in the next few days.

This is October! And yes, I live in the South of France, but this is the Northern Hemisphere, the sun is south of the Equator, and I live in the foothills of the Pyrenees, near Andorra, which is a ski centre.

Where will it all end?

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